• SteamTracker ReadMe

    SteamTracker Userscript, adds features to the steam profile / community app hub / steam store page;(it honors all privacy settings).

    Default Settings:

  • - adds a Steam-Tracker profile link + settings button next to it.
  • - adds a http://timekillerz.eu/ profile link.
  • - adds a https://c7k.jfietkau.me/ profile link.

  • - replaces for now the Games tab on profiles with a new Games tab - "?tab=removedappids". (eventually this will be optional.)

  • Optional Settings:

    Showcase SteamTracker Default:

  • If all privacy settings are public, it adds a table with;
      - Removed Stats
      - Changelog
      - Recent Activity.

  • Showcase Recent Activity:

  • if user is a registret user on Steam-Tracker and has NOT set their recent activity private, then it only showcases recent activity.

  • Showcase Rarest Owned Appids:

    adds the Rarest Owned Appids showcase.

    Steam Licenses Chart (v1, v2 and v3):


    adds a Steam-Tracker button on the store page that directs to the app page on Steam-Tracker.


    adds a Steam-Tracker button on the app hub page that directs to the app page on Steam-Tracker.

Example view of all settings on: